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Small business shipping

Reportedly, more than 60% of manufacturers were affected by the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences. There is a lot of news on retail, but not much information about other key links in the supply chains, like manufacturers. While this is a very broad category to define, you typically see small businesses involved in manufacturing who distribute furniture, electronics, or construction equipment. What challenges do manufacturers face? - Delays and pressure During extreme shipping delays, retailers
Many companies overlook the importance of quality shipping services. However, transportation can significantly affect your customers' experience and impact revenue. Besides your customers' satisfaction, convenient shipping can benefit your business in many ways.
In the world of freight shipping and logistics, there are a ton of freight shipping terms and acronyms that get thrown around. If you’re not a seasoned logistics professional, this may seem overwhelming and confusing. At, we want to make sure that you understand these terms and have a quick place to reference. So, to help you out here is a curated list of some of the most common important terms and their definitions: Accessorial Charge – Fees for services beyond normal pickup and delivery. i.e.:
In the fast-moving logistics world, many challenges are difficult to overcome. Change is the key for shippers to stay ahead of competitors and boost their supply chain strategy.